Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb 25
Have another (better) chinchilla
I'm still hating on the iPad paintings. Okay, imagine that you know how to type and can type pretty fast without looking at the keyboard or anything. Now imagine that you lost all your fingers except for a pointer, so it takes a million times longer to type anything. That's how i feel with iPad paintings. It seems like anything that is optimized for tablets takes so much longer to do anything (not just painting, but adjusting settings and things like that) because you get one finger to use instead of the whole keyboard/mouse/tablet combo. No me gusta.

Feb 23
Really not feeling all that great today. Sooo...

Feb 22
Ball jointed dolls are great for pose studies. I wanna get one for this reason. Until then, here's one I found on tumblr :p

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feb 20
Continuing with iPad paintings, i decided to give in and buy every brush set that this app had to offer for 5 bucks, which is a good deal considering that i saved something like 11 bucks fromif i'd have bought them individually. I'll just have to wait and se if its worth it, so woo??

Sooo a friend of a friend is moving to a new place and they can't keep their pets anymore, so there's a possibility of my getting a chinchilla or two (it would have to be two.... *spoiler alert*) in the next while... However this will only happen if parents as well as cats are okay with it, the price is right, the stars align just so, and Patrick Stewart posts a youtube video of himself singing "Get Lucky" in the next two weeks. So the chances are slim, but I have wanted one of these fluffy little guys since the late 90s, so I'm gonna try my absolute best to make it work. But they are the cutest little guys you will ever see. If you don't believe me, go to youtube and type in "popcorning chinchilla" and if you don't let out some level of squee, you have no soul.
But for now, here's a painting of one.
I made the stupid mistake of painting on the background layer instead of a new layer (I should really know better by now), so he has a white glow like he's some kind of holy/angelic fluff machine or something.

Feb 19
Rick (my one adjunct-profs) wanted a finished, (or nearly finished) plan for a lamp that we are to build by the next class (to clarify, the plans are for the next class, not a finished lamp), so i didn't have  time to do a painting today. Instead, you get the plans for a lamp inspired by the A-bomb. For the sake of not starting a riot, it is code named "Rocket." 

Wow, it made it a really bad image, but that's partially my fault. I made the design life sized, so it would have been a really large file if i hadn't scaled it down significantly.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

 Feb 18
I felt like breaking out of the norm today and doing a vector portrait, even though i'm supposed to be painting on my iPad. I regret nothing. Loved it.

Feb 17
Moved on to iPad paintings today. Hating it. I think it's the fact that it's so tedious and time consuming to change the settings compared to desktop apps. For example, in Photoshop to change brush size, its either the "[" key to make smaller or "]" to make bigger, and to change the opacity of a brush, you just hit a number key to change the percentage ("1" =10% opacity, "2" = 20%, "3" = 30%, etc). On ipad, you have one finger (or stylus) that you use to adjust things, and almost everything is a slider. Plus the stylus' point is so large compared to a pen/pencil/tablet stylus. I've heard arguments that its offset by the ability to zoom into the canvas for detail work, but it still doesn't feel  -right- to me. I don't know, maybe once i use it more I'll get a feel for the controls, but for right now I'm hating on it. So, here's the first -real- one i did on iPad. Don't judge. Please. It looks nothing like who it's meant to.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Decided to take Friday and Saturday off for Valentines day and focus on spending time with my lovely girlfriend since i feel like I haven't been able to spoil her lately. We were treated to Applebees by my parents, saw Frozen finally (SO GOOD!!!!!!) and had a one-on-one lunch date before seeing the movie. So, it was a good weekend. 

I was, however able to do some sketching in church today. I did a sketch with my inkling to see how it would turn out, and shaded it in photoshop real quickly. Surprisingly accurate, and easier than scanning the sketch in.

February 16

Friday, February 14, 2014

Feb 13
I've had this guy designed for some time (two years?) but I haven't done anything with him until now. I'm really happy with how he turned out. Any suggestions for a name for him? Maybe a name for his species?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feb 12
Marcia, you didn't think you could get out of me painting you, did you? MUAHAHA!!!
For an experiment, I saved a jpg of the picture half way through when I was done with the sketch and base coloring, and just before the rendering step so that i can see the difference between the steps. It surprises me A LOT, but the full painting is SO much better!! 

Here's the unfinished painting before the rendering

And here's the painting after covering up the sketch lines and rendering.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feb 7
Portrait of my friend, Emily Duncan. She has a really interesting and fun face to draw.

I experimented with Photoshop stippling here. For a 2 hour painting, i think it turned out alright, though I need to figure out how to do it a little neater.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 3
Character painting of Riven from League of Legends, practicing the planes of the face.