Tuesday, February 18, 2014

 Feb 18
I felt like breaking out of the norm today and doing a vector portrait, even though i'm supposed to be painting on my iPad. I regret nothing. Loved it.

Feb 17
Moved on to iPad paintings today. Hating it. I think it's the fact that it's so tedious and time consuming to change the settings compared to desktop apps. For example, in Photoshop to change brush size, its either the "[" key to make smaller or "]" to make bigger, and to change the opacity of a brush, you just hit a number key to change the percentage ("1" =10% opacity, "2" = 20%, "3" = 30%, etc). On ipad, you have one finger (or stylus) that you use to adjust things, and almost everything is a slider. Plus the stylus' point is so large compared to a pen/pencil/tablet stylus. I've heard arguments that its offset by the ability to zoom into the canvas for detail work, but it still doesn't feel  -right- to me. I don't know, maybe once i use it more I'll get a feel for the controls, but for right now I'm hating on it. So, here's the first -real- one i did on iPad. Don't judge. Please. It looks nothing like who it's meant to.


  1. This is what makes you "in the now" and me "old". LOL. I don't know how to do either one of these things. vector? no clue. WAAAA!!!! But now I see that maybe you can help me convert a painting image to vector so I can make a t-shirt...BUAHAH!

    1. Vector is done with Illustrator mainly, and the shapes are based on mathematical formulas which allow them to be scaled to any size that you want without pixelation. The downside is that you have to draw each shape instead of filling in color like your used to, so it takes getting used to and you can't blend as easily as with raster UNLESS you get really good with the gradient mesh... good luck with that.

      The other side of digital painting is "Raster" painting and its where you lay out the colors you want and it's stored as pixels. It can only be scaled so much before it pixelates, but you can blend much more easily and it feels more like normal painting.
